Startup How To

3 Warren Buffett-inspired tips for investing in promising startups

Widely considered one of the most successful investors of all time, Warren Buffett attributes much of his success to his disciplined adherence to an investment formula. Primarily a value investor, Buffett sticks to a rigid set of parameters when evaluating investment opportunities. Given his success, it’s not surprising that over the years, so many have tried to emulate his investing style when making decisions about their portfolios. Difficult as this may be when assessing stocks, trying to apply his philosophies when evaluating startup investments is even more challenging. Startup ventures typically have little or no income, making many of Buffett’s models for evaluating the intrinsic value of a company extremely hard to calculate. Furthermore, startups don’t have track records that can be studied to understand their stability. The result is that startup investors that seek to invest using Buffett’s principles, a.k.a Buffettologists, must rely on some of Buffett’s more qualitative parameters when assessing an early-stage company. Outlined below are three Warren Buffett-inspired investment tips to help you identify promising startup investment opportunities. 1) Invest in a great team One...

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Do you speak VC? 10 terms you must know before raising venture capital

Raising money for your startup can be a challenging experience for any entrepreneur, but especially as a newbie. Not because pitching is difficult and not because VCs are hard to impress. The challenge lies in the nuances of hearing and understanding what a venture capitalist says. As is the case in every industry, there’s a certain level of jargon used in the venture capital world that can make you feel like you’re reliving the Tower of Babylon. Navigating the complicated world of money can be a mess of confusing terminology. In a recent article, Forbes put together 10 terms you need to learn before raising venture capital. Read our abridged definitions for the terms below and study them well!  Put your money where your mouth is Pre-money vs. Post-money Valuation: Valuation is the monetary value of your company. Pre-money valuation refers to a company’s total value before new money is invested. Post-money valuation refers to a company’s total value after new money is invested. In other words: Post-money valuation = pre-money valuation + new funding. Convertible Debt: Convertible debt (also called convertible notes) is a type of bond that the...

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The (Startup) State of Mind: 5 amazing brain technologies from Israel

There is no doubt about it, Israel is at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies in hundreds of various fields, pushing the boundaries in art and culture, biotech, medicine, the environment, science and technology. From drip irrigation to gadgets like the Disk-on-Key, from solar windows to the PillCam, almost any device you pick up has it’s origins in Israeli tech. The Startup Nation’s remarkable ingenuity constantly produces breakthroughs in products and processes that affect the way people around the world live their every day lives. With that in mind (no pun intended), it’s interesting to take a look at what innovations the top brains in Israel are working on in the neuroscience field. Bioassociate, a consulting firm for investors and businesses operating in the life science arena, put together a collection of Israel’s most prominent and promising brain tech companies, all of whom they claim exhibit a particular fondness for the word “brain”. Take a look at our summary below! Five Israeli Brain Techs to Watch 1) Brainsway Jerusalem-based Brainsway is a developer and marketer of Deep TMS systems, a novel, noninvasive medical device for treatment of a...

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